Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Logan's Run Revisited?

People you really must listen to what the POTUS says. If not, you miss important pieces to his political puzzle. Witness this recent comment that is beyond chilling:

"We know we spend a huge amount of money that last year of life. More and more people are gonna say, I don't want people poking tubes, and, you know, uh, doing all sorts of...stuff. The most important thing we can do on end-of-life care right now: to encourage people to look at hospices as a...legitimate option." President Barack Obama

Forget worries over your medical care. Instead, concern yourself with whether you'll be afforded any care. If POTUS gets his government appointed medical board they'll decide which lives are worthy of continuance.

Why do we insist on playing God?

Because we think we know better. We're sure God can't possibly understand the pain or suffering we feel. We're dead wrong you know. God's only Son endured more pain and suffering than we'll ever begin to understand or feel. He did it to save all people. Every person ever born! It's a tragedy with eternal consequences for those who refuse to believe this fact.

Next time you're pondering life remember one of Satan's greatest lies is that human beings can or should decide who gets or keeps life.

If you've never seen the 70's film "Logan's Run" it's worth watching to see what can happen when people decide these matters on their own. Maybe POTUS should watch this film. Just like everyone he too is growing old.

I wonder if he will sign his family up for the new Government health care plan?

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